Home>Resources>Social Prescribing>Scarborough Social Prescribing

Social Prescribing is a service which helps you to have more control over your own wellbeing and find ways to improve how you feel in a way that suits you.

What is social prescribing?
A lot of people visit their GP feeling frustrated, lonely or stressed due to many issues.
This is where a Social Prescriber comes in. We will work with you one on one to help you to connect with services, activities, support and opportunities in your local area.
A social prescriber is someone:
·     To talk to confidentially
·     Who is practical, helpful and will not judge you.
·     Who can help you decide what you’d like to do to improve your health, wellbeing, and independence.
·     Who can find you activities that will suit you.
·     Who can give you support along the way.
How does it work?
If you think that you would benefit from our help and support please speak to a member of staff at the surgery for a referral or you can refer yourself (please contact a member of the Reception Team).  Once a referral has been made, the referral coordinator will contact you with more information about an appointment.
You will then be contacted by a Social Prescriber and offered an extended appointment (either face to face or via telephone).

Your Social Prescriber can support you for up to 6 sessions and help you to make positive changes to improve your health and wellbeing.

What can they help with?
Their work is tailored to you, so that you can get support in a range of areas such as:
·      Loneliness/befriending support
·      Mental Wellbeing
·      Money worries
·      Social Activities/Groups
·      Social Isolation
·      Bereavement

If you would like to speak to someone about the service we offer, please call  01723 360835 or talk to your GP or clinician when next visiting the surgery.


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