Home>News>Temporary opening hour changes at New Earswick and Old Forge surgeries

Temporary opening hour changes at New Earswick and Old Forge surgeries

16th January 2022 - 3:33 PM

Like GP practices up and down the country we have been struggling to recruit support staff. In particular, the demands and stresses on our front desk teams over the past two years have been very challenging.

In order to manage this recruitment gap, we currently have to make some temporary changes to our opening hours at our New Earswick and Old Forge surgeries.

This means that the New Earswick and Old Forge surgeries will be closed Monday to Friday after 12:30pm.

Patients should be reassured that there will be no reduction in the number of clinical appointments and no loss of appointment availability. This is purely an admin staffing issue.

Clinicians will continue to work within the surgery throughout the day and patients can still contact us online here from 7am until 7pm Monday to Friday, or by phone from 8am until 6.00pm Monday to Friday.

We continue to recruit to our admin roles and we urge anyone interested in joining our team to find out more here.

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